Showing posts with the label InternationalShow All

Tariff's in International Business

A tax imposed on imported goods and services. Tariffs are used to restrict trade, as they increase the price of imported goods and servic…

Benefits of a global strategy

Economies of scope : the cost savings developed by a group when it shares activities or transfers capabilities and competencies from on…

Development of International Manager

If manager want to succeed in today’s volatile global economy, manager must be prepared to do business all around the world.  Internatio…

Internal and External Factors of International Business Mangaement

External Environmental Factors 1.  Social Conditions A Sociological perspective of environment includes the Demographic Status …

FDI with Alliances

Merger - A merger is a combination of two or more businesses into one business. Laws in India use the term 'amalgamation' …

FDI without Alliances - Wholly owned subsidiaries

FDI without Alliances - Wholly owned subsidiaries Greenfield investment - is the establishment of a new wholly owned subsidiary . It…

Means of engaging in International Business

Different modes or way of engaging in international business are mentioned below. Exporting Exporting - Exporting is the proces…